About the Foodie

Tiffani Scalzo, the Daniel Fast FoodieSeveral years ago I developed an interest in clean eating. Processed foods gradually disappeared from my pantry in exchange for healthier whole foods. Brown rice and whole wheat flour replaced their refined counterparts. Coconut oil stepped in when vegetable oil got kicked out. Condensed soups and bouillon cubes became a thing of the past, and I learned how to make bone broth from a chicken carcass.

Then I had twins.

Due to the high-risk nature of my pregnancy, I was hospitalized for two months before the girls arrived, and they spent another two months in the NICU. During this time my husband Joe and I subsisted mainly on cafeteria food and take-out. Once we brought the babies home, we were blessed by many home-cooked meals from family and friends, but we continued to rely heavily on convenience foods.

My miracle babies are growing up, but healthy eating is still a challenge. I’m always striving to be more intentional about what I’m feeding myself and my family.

That’s just one purpose of this blog.

When I first tried the Daniel Fast, I was doubtful I’d last one week, let alone three. Even for a healthy eater like myself, the list of restricted foods seemed a bit overwhelming. Giving up meat didn’t sound so hard, but cheese, too? Not to mention I’ve always had a serious sweet tooth. But my sister was determined to give it a go, so with Lynndsi as my accountability partner, I plunged forward.

The days to come weren’t nearly as difficult as I’d expected. In fact, I had a lot of fun trying new recipes, some of which included ingredients I may have never tasted otherwise. I chronicled my experience on Facebook and received lots of feedback from friends who were also participating in the Fast.

That’s when the idea of this blog was born. I wanted to take my passion for healthy cooking and use it to encourage others as they challenge themselves both physically and spiritually. Some may argue that I am putting too much emphasis on food when the point of a fast is to seek after God. While fasting is an act of humility before the Lord, it’s often is a drastic shift in lifestyle that will be difficult to maintain without a handful of recipes and some inspiration. My goal as the Daniel Fast Foodie is to provide resources that will help you complete your fast successfully. With a little planning and preparation, you’ll be amazed at the results.

Are you ready to get started? Join my email list, and head over to Facebook or Instagram to see what I’m cooking.




