When life moves too fast, fast.

When I started this blog in January, I had every intention of keeping it active beyond the 21 days of my Daniel Fast. I was psyched about building a community of believers who also happened to be interested in healthy, plant-based foods, and I had lots of ideas and recipes that I was excited to share.

Then life happened. As a stay-at-home / work-from-home mom, I had other projects that demanded my attention. With each week that passed without a new post, it became easier and easier to put off the thing I’d once been so passionate about.

For most of us, this scenario is all too familiar. We set goals and make plans, and then the busyness of life zaps our motivation to follow through. Whether it’s a diet or fitness regime, a vow to get organized or the desire to be more present with God, adding another routine to our already hectic schedules can be tough. We may get fired up about the idea of a new challenge, but the reality of making it happen is a whole other thing. When we fall short of what we hope for, it’s easier to give up than to allow ourselves grace and accept the fact that we aren’t perfect. For me and my Type A personality, this can be especially difficult.

I’m working through a study called Enjoying Jesus that focuses on the spiritual disciplines. While I’ve been encouraged by just about everything I’ve read so far, the section on fasting and sabbath was particularly inspiring. These disciplines are similar in that they both reveal our dependence on the Lord. When we set aside food, work, or anything else we think we need to survive, we acknowledge that God alone sustains us.

In May I started a full-time job after freelancing for five years, the latter two of which were dedicated to raising twin babies/toddlers. Returning to a 9-5 schedule was quite an adjustment, and I’m still trying to figure out how to divide my nights and weekends between household chores, meal planning, freelance work and quality time with my family. With to-do lists longer than ever, the thing I end up sacrificing most is sleep. While I used to view lattes and chai tea as an occasional treat, caffeinated beverages have become a daily requirement. So when my study book asked the question, “What are you depending on to make it through the day more than or instead of God?” the answer was clear: my morning matcha and afternoon cuppa Joe.

The next question was, “How will you incorporate the discipline of fasting into your life?” Not wanting to make any commitments, my immediate response was, “I’ll think about it later.” It’s been six months since I last fasted because, well … it’s hard. I like food, and I don’t like giving up things I enjoy. But I felt the Holy Spirit leading me to take action, so I decided to give up caffeine this entire work week. It hasn’t been easy, but when I find myself nodding off at my desk, I’m reminded to pray for God’s strength and reflect on his goodness.

This post almost didn’t happen. I starting writing it on Sunday under the premise that it would go live at the beginning of the week so I’d have public accountability for my fast. With each day that it went unfinished, I thought maybe I should just forget about it. But I fought against the busyness—and my Type A tendencies—with the hope that it might resonate with someone. If you’re that someone, let me know in the comments below or on my Facebook page.

Now it’s your turn: What are YOU depending on to make it through the day more than or instead of God? Is it time for a fast?



One thought on “When life moves too fast, fast.

  1. Lynns says:
    I'm glad you posted this, Tiff! I'm sure I'm not the only one who needed to hear it. I think it IS time for a fast! :)

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