The 2018 Daniel Fast: Expectations

The 2018 Daniel Fast: Expectations

The 2018 Daniel Fast: Expectations

Every year around the holidays, we start talking about how fast the year has flown by. It sounds cliché, but it’s so true. I can’t believe we’re already gearing up for the 2018 Daniel Fast!

My life looks much different now than it did a year ago. I went from stay-at-home mom with a side gig to full-time working mom with a side gig. Recently I was discussing my state of perpetual busyness with my mom, who suggested it may be time to nix something from my routine. I honestly didn’t know what I could cut, since most of my time outside of work and family is dedicated to cooking, cleaning and other necessary tasks.

The next day, my two favorite podcasts released new episodes, and guess what? BOTH were specific to working moms and time management.

“OK, God. I’m listening…”

The first podcast was about setting boundaries in order to avoid burnout and enjoy life more. There was one quote in particular that caught my attention: “No for now doesn’t mean no forever.” Sometimes the thing you need to set aside is the one you’re most passionate about, but that doesn’t mean you have to abandon that activity/idea/endeavor forever.

The second podcast echoed this sentiment, suggesting that just because a certain task or role is “good” doesn’t mean it’s a good fit for your current situation. We must accept that there are many good things we just can’t do. Our priorities should align with what God is calling us to now, knowing that seasons change and priorities will, too.

So what does all of this have to do with the Daniel Fast? Well, I realized the thing I had to let go of — at least in this stage of my life — was this blog. I will be participating in the 2018 fast, but I won’t be posting a new recipe every day. In fact, I’m not setting any expectations for myself when it comes to creating new content. Testing recipes, taking photos and writing blog posts is a time-consuming process, and I’ve decided those hours would be better spent serving my family.

I’ve also resolved to give myself grace if there are days I need to “cheat.” I’m an all-or-nothing type of person, so I’m typically hard on myself if I don’t follow through on something completely. However, I’ve had to concede that it’s more important to keep my household running smoothly than to stress over following every fasting guideline to a T. After all, if fasting becomes a source of stress, then we’re missing the point.

As you prepare for the upcoming Daniel Fast, I hope you’ll reflect on God’s calling for your life and how that plays into your expectations for this fast. I look forward to connecting with you on social media!